Kate Tempest
écoute la ville tomber
Kate Tempest
- Rivages
- Rivages Poche ; Petite Bibliotheque
- 11 Juin 2023
- 9782743646967
Becky, Harry, Leon. Ils sont jeunes, hésitent entre le cynisme et le besoin éperdu d'utopie. Chacun a des rêves, des aspirations, que la ville nourrit et feint d'encourager pour mieux les broyer. Ce roman résonne des bruits et du rythme de notre époque, dans la prose incandescente de Kate Tempest, star du hip-hop, poétesse et artiste déjà légendaire à 30 ans à peine, admirée par Virginie Despentes, Lola Lafon ou Don DeLillo. Best-seller international, ce livre impose la jeune Anglaise comme une voix majeure de la scène littéraire d'aujourd'hui.
Les chansons sont des compositions originales de Kate Tempest et Dan Carey, sur des paroles de Kate Tempest.
La présente édition propose les partitions originales des musiques de la pièce.
Cette pièce musicale se déroule entre les murs d'une prison pour femmes.
Chess chante dans sa cellule et agace les autres détenues. Quand Serena, sa codétenue et âme soeur, apprend sa mise en liberté conditionnelle, les deux femmes sont dévastées. Face à sa solitude, Chess se remémore sa vie, son crime, sa fille, sa blessure. Elle se met à composer sur une boîte Février 2020 - 07/02/2020 - 96 pages - 11,6 cm x 18,7 cm - 13 € ISBN : 978-2-85181-966-6 à rythmes apportée par Silver, une productrice au passé sombre, qui anime des ateliers en prison. Chess compose des chansons pour dompter son passé, sans penser qu'il puisse la rattraper un jour...
Cette partition aux échanges acérés, en équilibre entre drame et comédie, rappelle l'atmosphère de la série « Orange Is The New Black », diffusée entre 2013 et 2019 sur Netflix.
Sismographe d'une génération à la dérive, Fracassés oscille entre rage de vivre, lutte et désespoir.
À Londres, trois jeunes gens, Ted, Danny et Charlotte se battent pour donner un sens à leur existence.
Solitude et sentiment d'aliénation s'adossent à des conditions de vie précaires et une morosité du quotidien.
Tous trois restent fortement éprouvés par la mort de leur ami Tony, survenue dix ans plus tôt.
Prisonniers de jobs insatisfaisants et de vies étriquées, ces quadragénaires sombrent dans une fuite en avant qui les absorbe et leur fait perdre la raison.
Le jour de l'anniversaire de la mort de Tony, ils décident de se retrouver le temps d'une soirée pour faire le bilan et se donner un nouvel élan.
Monologues intérieurs, scènes chorales, slams et scènes dialoguées au réalisme brut s'entremêlent avec un réalisme social des plus violents où les rêves de jeunesse se fracassent, les désillusions tournent en addictions.
B>SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 MERCURY MUSIC PRIZE/b>br>br>Let Them Eat Chaos, Kate Tempest's new long poem written for live performance and heard on the album release of the same name, is both a powerful sermon and a moving play for voices. Seven neighbours inhabit the same London street, but are all unknown to each other. The clock freezes in the small hours, and, one by one, we see directly into their lives: lives that are damaged, disenfranchised, lonely, broken, addicted, and all, apparently, without hope. Then a great storm breaks over London, and brings them out into the night to face each other - and their last chance to connect. Tempest argues that our alienation from one another has bred a terrible indifference to our own fate, but she counters this with a plea to challenge the forces of greed which have conspired to divide us, and mend the broken home of our own planet while we still have time. Let Them Eat Chaos is a cri de coeur and a call to action, and, both on the page and in Tempest's electric performance, one of the most powerful poetic statements of the year.
Kate Tempest is one of the most exciting and innovative performers to have emerged in spoken-word poetry in many years; her dramatic poem Brand New Ancients won the prestigious Ted Hughes Prize for innovation in poetry. Tempest's wholly unique blend of street poetry, rap and storytelling - combined with the spellbinding delivery of an open-air revivalist - has won her legions of followers all over the UK. Her remarkable stage presence is wholly audible in this poem, a spoken story written to be told with live music.
B>'Whether on stage or on the page, her language hits like lightning. It illuminates and it burns.' Guardian/b>Running Upon The Wires is Kate Tempest's first book of free-standing poetry since the acclaimed Hold Your Own. In a beautifully varied series of formal poems, spoken songs, fragments, vignettes and ballads, Tempest charts the heartbreak at the end of one relationship and the joy at the beginning of a new love; but also tells us what happens in between, when the heart is pulled both ways at once.Running Upon The Wires is, in a sense, a departure from her previous work, and unashamedly personal and intimate in its address - but will also confirm Tempest's role as one of our most important poetic truth-tellers: it will be no surprise to readers to discover that she's no less a direct and unflinching observer of matters of the heart than she is of social and political change. Running Upon The Wires is a heartbreaking, moving and joyous book about love, in its endings and in its beginnings.
Hold Your Own, Kate Tempest's first full-length collection for Picador is an ambitious, multi-voiced work based around the mythical figure of Tiresias. This four-part work follows him through his transformations from child, man and woman to blind prophet; through this structure, Tempest holds up a mirror to contemporary life in a direct and provocative way rarely associated with poetry. A vastly popular and accomplished performance poet, Tempest commands a huge and dedicated following on the performance and rap circuit. Brand New Ancients, also available from Picador, won the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry and has played to packed concert halls on both sides of the Atlantic.
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE BOOKS ARE MY BAG BREAKTHROUGH AUTHOR AWARD Kate Tempest ' s critically acclaimed debut novel, the literary companion to her Mercury-Prize nominated album Everybody Down , takes us into the beating heart of the capital in this multi-generational tale of drugs, desire and belonging Young Londoners Becky, Harry and Leon are leaving town in a fourth-hand Ford Cortina with a suitcase full of money. They are running from jealous boyfriends, dead-end jobs, violent maniacs and disgruntled drug dealers, in the hope of escaping the restless tedium of life in south-east London - the place they have always called home.
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